It came! It came! My It's A Sister Thing Swap from my partner came! Woo hoo! Two packages in a week, happy days (more on the other package in another post)!!
Michele of
Quilts From My Crayon Box is hosting a swap called It's A Sister Thing Swap and I have had a blast so far. Once I got my partner's name I immediately started stalking her. So fun to be able to say I was stalking someone without getting weird looks! ;o) I posted a sneak
here and have her box all ready to go, just waiting for the weekend so her package doesn't sit on her porch all weekend long.
Now my partner that made me something was a real treat! I love her blog and her cute little Sonja too (her sewing room antics crack me up). Can you guess who it is yet? Well, it was Bea!!! hee hee. Bea blogs over at
Beaquilter (love the play on her name) and has a bunch of fun stuff - I am a fan of her
EQ tutorials which is what drew me to her in the first place. Now I just know her as a fearless quilter who does her thing and makes learning not look so hard. She's even managed to pique my interest in those
AHHHHs from Hillbilly Handiworks and I don't do hand sewing.
So, onto the package. It was STUFFED. Didn't think there was that much in the envelope until I pulled it all out and it got a chance to breathe - puffed right up it did! Here's what she sent my way:
Fun little portfolio made from dog and paw print fabrics - love it! It is my new idea book for projects. I usually send myself an email with an idea when I have one on the fly - this way I can write them all in one place and actually see them instead of a list of emails. |
She sent along the scraps from the portfolio and four fat quarters - I think my favorite fat quarter is the one on top with the birdies on it. That is currently being lovingly patted when I walk by my sewing table. The scraps I am going to make a mug rug with to sit by my machine methinks. |
This Lazy Girl handbag pattern looks fun! SewSweetness has one similar to it that I have been eyeballing - now I can try this one out! She also sent three AHHHHs along - I think I might be hooked. Grrrrr is what I say to another addiction! |
Ignore the things in the basket - they were already here. The basket is one of her that she made out of wrapped laundry line and zig-zagged the edges together. It fits my notions perfectly next to my machine. She has one with Sonja in it here - I told her the package could only have been better in Sonja was in it! ;o) |
This owl block is too cute no? It is going to be made into a market bag I have a pattern for. Those little owls are too funny! |
Some labels she tried out on her embroidery machine - not too shabby! One is actually on one of my projects I am sending my partner already :o) |
I love these fabrics - they are perfect, especially the flowery fabric. These are both going into my hand sewing kit so I have a mug rug wherever I go and a pin cushion that stays in my kit! |
Aren't they all fun?!?! Some of it is already in use, some has projects already planned for it and the rest is in the wings, waiting for just the right time. I have to say this swap has been a total blast and I am really glad I participated - it has been a great way to stretch myself and give stuff away (I really like to give things away).
I'll post up what I've sent off when my swap partner receives it - next week! I hope she likes it because I had fun looking for all the right stuff!
Here is what I see every once in a while - O can really creep me out!
woof woof meow